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Paper details

The Guide to Accessible Digital Content

Afra Pascual
University of Barcelona

Mireia Ribera
University of Barcelona

Miquel Térmens
University of Barcelona

Llúcia Masip
University of Barcelona

Toni Granollers
University of Barcelona

José Luís Gonzàlez
University of Barcelona

Marina Salse
University of Barcelona

Jorge Franganillo
University of Barcelona

Bruno Splendiani
University of Barcelona


This paper presents a joint initiative of the University of Lleida and the University of Barcelona (Spain) promoting inclusive education in the university by the adaptation of materials.

The initiative was formalized in a set of 13 guides "Guidelines for accessible digital content" (in Catalan and Spanish) that present detailed information to create digital documents accessible to people with disabilities. The guides cover common content editing tools (Microsoft Word, Open Office Writer or Microsoft PowerPoint), the conversion to PDF, and the publication of accessible web content via the FCKEditor available on LMS such as Sakai, Moodle or OpenCMS. The initiative also includes the creation of supporting material like accessible templates for common document types in teaching.

The main audience of the guides are university professors who must meet accessibility standards in their e-learning environments. However, the guidelines may also be useful to anyone who has the obligation or the desire to have their digital documents and publications on the Internet made according to the principles of Universal Design.

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