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Paper details

HEAG - A Survey on Accessibility and Universal Design provided by European Higher Education Institutions

Andrea Petz
Johannes Kepler University of Linz

Klaus Miesenberger
Johannes Kepler University of Linz


This paper presents the work carried out within the HEAG framework amongst a joint European group of service providers for people with disabilities in Higher Education – and what is missing or better what could foster equal access to higher education of people with disabilities and mobility.

Higher Education institutions from all over Europe were screened following a standardized questionnaire on their activities for students with disabilities in terms of Universal Design as well as support given and accessibility services provided. The gained data was published online and enables up to date information on studying in a specific country at a specific institution and has the potential to foster European exchange and students mobility even amongst students with disabilities, a group underrepresented in Higher Education mobility programs so far as well as on the degree of inclusion of domestic students with disabilities on site that has to be discussed based on the observation that in most cases students with disabilities can cope with traditional (often technological) barriers but run the risk of failure and drop out because of lacking social links and skills – a topic also to be discussed concerning eLearning activities.

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