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Mission Statement

The philosophy underpinning the Universal Learning Design conference at the time of its creation (in 2011) was driven by the need to seek and reach an agreement on what we shall understand by the terms “education for all” or “universal learning design” and what objectives educational institutions and/or service centres can achieve in this field.

Therefore, the conference is regarded as an opportunity for presenting principles of universal accessibility and sharing experience among professionals who provide for the general accessibility of tertiary education in Europe as well as other parts of the world.

The conference is hence intended particularly for representatives of teams developing special IT and for service centres staff, who deal with the practical matters and thus technically, technologically, and organizationally provide for accessible education. Teachers, psychologists, and experts from other fields are also welcome to take part.

As such, the conference provides a platform for teachers, organizations and institutions interested in participating in seminars and round tables to deliver their contributions in respective thematic sessions and present their teaching methods and didactic or service technologies.

The ULD conference is organized either as an autonomous event (such as in 2011 and 2013) or as a complementary event included in the ICCHP conference held by the Johannes Kepler partner university in Linz, Austria, as a special track (in 2012, 2014, 2016).
